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Please fill in requested information in regards to your company, business, partnership and organization and provide the attachments as requested.
Please fill in requested banking information in regards to your company, business, partnership and organization and provide the attachments as requested.
Please fill in requested statutory information in regards to your company, business, partnership and organization and provide the attachments as requested.
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Please fill in requested information in regards to your company, contact details such as Phone numbers, Mobile numbers, email address(es), website etc and provide the attachments as requested.
Please fill in requested information in regards to your company, Management details and organization and provide the attachments as requested.
Please fill in requested working experience information in regards to your company and provide the attachments as requested.
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Please fill in requested information in regards to your organisation profile and provide the attachments as requested.
Please fill in requested information in regards to your company affiliation with other comapanies or entity if any and provide the attachments as requested.
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Has your organisation or any of its shareholders, directors, officers or employees ever been the subject of public allegations, under investigation, charged, prosecuted, or convicted, or had your/its/their assets seized, blocked, frozen or ordered forfeit or has a judgement entered against you/it/them in respect of any national, foreign or international law relating to any of the following:
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Please fill in requested information in regards to Non Disclosure undertaking and provide the attachments as requested.
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Please review your application before confirming submition for the same and make sure you fill all the missing details and provide all the attachments as requested.
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Company Name:
Business Name:
Business Registration Number:
Tax Identification Number:
Organization Type:
Nature of Business:
Valid Business Licence:
Tax Clearance Certificate:
Professional Regulatory Licence:
Business Profile:
Company Phone Number:
Company Email:
Company Website:
Plot Number:
Physical Address:
Annual Return:
Antibribery Policy:
Litigation History:
Other Physical Locations:
Company Secretary Name:
Company Secretary Citizenship:
Memorandum of Understanding:
Professional Indemnity Cover:
Evidence of Compliance Labor Law:
Evidence of Compliance Social Security:
Annual Return
Number of Directors
Number of Shares
Number of Permanent Employees
Number of Temporary Employees
Description of Goods
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